Monday, October 28, 2013


On Saturday I ran 5 km. It was cold and wet and rainy and snowy and slushy, but I did it. I was going to run in an actual run, but couldn't get there, so decided I was going to do 5 km on my own. I finished, and even did it under 40 minutes, which I am proud of too. It wasn't my best time ever, but I wasn't going for that. I had been running a bit lately trying to get back into shape after having baby #4 in May - 5 months ago, in case you're wondering. ;)

The last time I ran a full 5 km was about a year and a half ago. I also did 10 km right around that time. The 10 km was hard. I did it to say I did it, but I really don't want to do it again. I thought about it as I was running my last kilometre today. I thought to myself, "Come on! You have ran 10 km before, this is only 5, you only have 1 km left!" That was partly what got me through the last kilometre, considering my clothes had taken on a fair bit of water, and it was getting harder and harder to run.

Why do I run? I ask myself this question sometimes, and I know some people that think it's craziness. I was one of those people at one time! I don't consider myself very athletic, and I never really liked track & tield or cross country or most sports as a kid. However, I run now, and here are some of my reasons:

1. I like running. I don't love it, but I do like it.
2. It's a workout I can do from home, and it starts and ends in a good amount of time as I usually go out for about 30 minutes.
3. It's refreshing. When I came back on Saturday, I was exhausted, but later in the day, I had a huge burst of energy, and got a bunch of things done around the house.
4. It's good for me. I know exercise is good for me, and it's hard to get out there and get going a lot of the time, but it is good for me and I know it. I also want to be a good example to my kids.
5. I get to enjoy creation. I love looking around the countryside, especially because our seasons change so vividly here. I love seeing how God changes things from one season to the next, how the sky can look so different, and how we have so many plants and animals right around me. Amazing!


  1. I like running too, but I don't love running so I can totally relate! Congratulations on being disciplined enough to run even though the weather wasn't so great; and look at the wonderful gift you received in return - you were able to feel appreciation for the beauty surrounding you. I love your experience. Keep running and keep feeling the gratitude!

    1. Thanks Maryann! So true that I am blessed in different ways when I do it! A great motivator to get me out again tomorrow... :)

  2. Hi Sarah,

    Another runner just like me. Us gals oughta form a club. The "I don't love running but it's good for me" club. I'm not a fan of running. Last time I ran was in the St. Patrick's Day 2 mile race back in March. I have a million excuses for not running. I think it's time I knock it off and get back at it.

    Thanks for motivating me today!

    1. You're welcome! And thank you! I love knowing that I'm not the only one out there! Here's to getting out there again soon... :)

  3. All the reasons you've listed Sara are great reasons, but the one that resonated with me the most is number 5. This is also the reason why I like to go on trails and be part of nature. I'm not into running yet, even though I keep intending to run a 5K, but never really trained to do it. So I'll walk for now, enjoy it's benefits and enjoy nature.
    Here's my blog post:
    Thank you Sara for your generosity :)

    1. Walking is great too, and great job getting out and getting that exercise! I love to walk as well, and it's one way that I incorporate my kids into my exercise because I take them out with me in the stroller, and they get to enjoy being outside too. :)

  4. wow great reasons for running. it is getting cold here so i would love to run in gym till spring is back. thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. You're welcome! It's getting cold here too, so we'll see how much running I get done outside for the next while. I may be moving to indoor workouts for the next while!


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