Thursday, October 17, 2013

Story for today

This morning started out like most mornings, getting my daughter off to school, eating breakfast, the usual. I then got ready to go out to MOPS, and wanted to get there a little bit early since I was doing the activity for the group, so I wanted some extra prep time. I was doing great, and had both little boys in the van just after 9am. I went to start the van, and it didn't! Oh crap! I had vacuumed and cleaned the inside of the van yesterday afternoon, and felt the need to have the radio on. Nevertheless, apparently that drained the battery. *sigh* Thankfully, my husband was there, and thankfully, the truck and booster cables were there as well. He went over, hooked me up, and within seconds, I was all set to go. Yay! Just then, some guests drove in who were coming to visit. They knew that I was going out, but the battery delay allowed me to see them before they left later in the morning, AND they had a coffee for me! Sweet! I love my coffee, and had missed mine this morning. So there you go, a little not-so-great thing ended up a nice thing!  :)  I got to MOPS in good time, and had a great morning there. Later on, both boys napped at the same time, and I got a workout in!

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